

Creating Your Social Media Image

Posted by on Saturday, October 1, 2016 Under: Career Advice

As an artist who are you? How do you want to be seen? Unfortunately a talented musician without an image and a web presence that appeals to the public won’t get very far.  It is important to take a moment and step back to think about how you would like to be perceived by others. What are you doing to portray this image to your fans?  

In this new technology driven world artist have the opportunity to be very transparent. Fans can interact with bands they love directly through omnipresent sites like Facebook and Twitter as well as the myriad of other music sites that are continuously popping up as the infrastructure of the music industry continues to evolve. But here’s the thing, these tools give you the power to present yourself to your fans anyway you choose!

You don’t have to create an image that is totally separate from whom you really are. In fact, your fan are most likely more interested in who you actually are than who you can pretend to be.  Letting fans know who you are and what you are up to gives them the chance to relate to you as a real person. Knowing that they are hearing from you and not your manager means a lot and keeps your fans by your side. 

As much as it is important to just be yourself. Filtering is always good. You don’t want to offend any of your fans or create enemies based on your postings. It is important to consider your followers. Think about your musical idols, what did you want to know about their daily lives, their interests, the things that they are into? 

Once you have followers, keep them, inform them of important  information related to your music, interact with them, and present to them the awesome artist that you are.

Amelia Gonzalez

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In : Career Advice 

Tags: social media  online presence 


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